Kacchakos coming together
— for a great surge of delicious content —
365 days in a row.


Kacchako365 began as a crack idea from Mod Kat in 2023, after Kacchako Week closed and she started to get withdrawals. A little enabling from Mods Michi and M later, and voila! Kacchako365 was born in all of its crazy glory.The goal of Kacchako365 is simple. Create as much Kacchako content as possible, with as much joy as possible. That’s it!


Click on the profile images to see social media pages



Favorite Trope:
Rivals to Lovers | Fake Dating
Favorite Season:
Most Likely To:
break all of her fingers in a freak speed-typing accident

Favorite Trope:
Fake Dating | Hidden / Unknown Soulmates
Favorite Season:
all or none—either excited for festivities and seasonal feels or crying about allergies 24/7
Most Likely To:
convince you of em dash superiority when you didn't even ask for it





Favorite Trope:
Only One Bed
Favorite Season:
Most Likely To:
get stuck in a bowling ball and become one herself

Current Month

Upcoming Month



1. We Welcome Everyone

Kacchako365 is a free and open event for anyone to take part in — as much or as little as they want — from seasoned writers to brand-new creators who are just dipping their toes into fandom waters.Young and old you are all* welcome here.

Note: While we wish to encourage everyone to participate, we do not condone the creation or consumption of NSFW content by minors. Therefore, we will not engage with any minor-created content created, even if it is tagged appropriately.

2. We will not tolerate abuse

In any form, from any person.Examples of abusive behaviour may include, but are not limited to: hate speech, harassment, sexism, racism, transphobia, homophobia, ageism, pairing shaming, kink-shaming, or jokes about rape and pedophilia.The Kacchako365 Mod Team reserves the right to disengage with any creator who is deemed abusive towards us or any other member of the community. We want to be welcoming, but we will not hesitate to protect ourselves or our creators should the need arise.

3. Use of AI

At Kacchako365 we feel strongly that the use of AI in creative works is tantamount to stealing. We will therefore not engage with any creator who uses AI at any stage of their creation process.

4. Tagging

To make sure that we can find and engage with your creations please tag us using #Kacchako365 on Twitter, AO3, and Bsky!

5. NSFW Content

Kacchako365 welcomes all NSFW and Dark content; however, to ensure the safety of our mods and contributors, we ask that any NSFW or Dark themes are clearly tagged in the opening tweet of any thread or specified clearly in AO3 tags.Please note that we will not engage with any NSFW content created by minors.


Where can I find Kacchako365?

You can find us on Carrd, Twitter, Bsky, and Retrospring.

How do I participate?

Every day, from 1st January 2024 to 31st December 2024 (and maybe beyond), we will release a new prompt. All you have to do is create something, as much or as little as you like — for as many or as few prompts as you like — and tag us with #Kacchako365.And for those who like to plan ahead, each month of prompts will be released one month early in combination with the regular daily prompts, so you have a little time to decide what you want to create for.Artists can also now apply to help us with monthly graphics! See below for more details.

What are the requirements to help with monthly graphics?

Our application criteria:

  • Up to four (4) submitted pieces with consistent style that showcase your best work

  • At least one (1) piece containing Bakugou or Uraraka

  • At least one (1) piece must contain a full body, a completed background, and be fully colored

  • (Optional) Feel free to add your portfolio when prompted in the application

Do you accept media other than Written Works and Art?

Yes! We want to see all of your creative endeavours—written, artistic and otherwise! Book covers, movie posters, cosplays, all is welcome here.

Is there an AO3 Collection?

As we hope for a large volume of works we will not be creating a dedicated AO3 collection. However we do want to be able to find you on AO3: so please tag your works #Kacchako365 so that we can read and enjoy what you make.

There are a lot of prompts — Do I have to commit to them all to take part?

While we would love to see someone tackle all three-hundred sixty-five (365) prompts, you don’t have to! You can choose to create for as many or as few as you would like.

Can I combine prompts?

Yes! In fact, Mod Kat is a chaos monster who actively encourages it. Pull together two or three or five into one written work or use them all individually — it is absolutely up to you.

Can I add an AU to an existing prompt?

You are more than welcome to add an AU to any existing prompt or write in the cannonverse if you prefer to! The mod team loves AUs, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Is there a set format for sharing my work?

We are not putting an official format requirement in place for sharing work. However, we do recommend adding the following information to your tweets for ease of searching and retweeting:

Length (if written)
Key Tags / CWs
Tag us! #Kacchako365

I have a WIP; can I share that somewhere?

Yes! We would love to see your Kacchako365 works in progress. Share them on Twitter and Bluesky with the tag #kchk365wipweds for us to like and retweet.

Are there any word limits?

Definitely not. If you want to write a tiny fifty (50)-word drabble or a huge five-hundred thousand (500,000)-word epic, then feel free. We don’t want to put any restrictions on creativity here; this is just about having fun and enjoying the ship that we all love.

English isn’t my first language, can I still take part?

We would love to see fics, comics, and art in as many languages as possible! But please excuse any replies from the mod team that might have been put through google translate.

I have some prompt ideas, where can I suggest them?

There is a form on our contact page for suggesting prompts, songs, AUs, and anything else you can think of! We would absolutely love to hear your ideas and include them in our themed months.

Can we see the full year calendar for prompts?

We would like to keep the full year of prompts a surprise whilst it’s going on; however, we will release a full prompt calendar at the end of the year for those who want to fill in the gaps and keep on creating.

I have a question that isn’t covered in the FAQ…

You can ask us more questions on our Retrospring.

Send Us An Email

Coming Soon